Exhibition Self-initiated Prague 2015

After Q&A: BIG-GAME, curated by David Glaettli in Tokyo, the another version of this exhibiton is presented at OKOLO studio.

In this exhibition, BIG-GAME presents a retrospective selection of 10 products designed over the past 10 years. In addition, every of these products designed by BIG-GAME is paired with one item found in Czech Republic, selected by Okolo. These 10 finds represent Czech counterparts to BIG-GAME’s products, that relate to them, explain and contextualize them in unexpected ways. By this means, the exhibits form a cross-cultural, intuitive “dialog between things” that gives a playful insight in BIG-GAME’s way of thinking and working – rooted and inspired by the things that surround all of us in everyday life and ultimately show the universality of functional, playful design.

OKOLO Studio, Prague, March 2015
Produced by Scholastika, BIG-GAME

www.scholastika.cz, www.big-game.ch